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Wow, I can’t believe it’s already April…spring is in FULL gear here in Miami, 85+ degree weather everyday..I’m feeling toasty for sure. March was a great month for us, so many things to be thankful for…I must thank any and all of you who prayed for Freddie while I was away for 2 weeks. We felt them, every one of them…so thanks a million! I had the privilege of serving alongside 60+ youth and adults from Asbury UMC, our church in Madison, for a week in the ever lovely Birmingham…here’s some photos of the house we completed…The Jenkins residence:
my amazing team and Mrs. Jenkins (left)

my amazing team and Mrs. Jenkins (left)

God was so present at this camp, and in an amazing way that only He can do..He provided. There were several days that we didn’t have the supplies we needed, the heart we needed, the energy we needed…He met us where we were every time. I am a true believer that our life’s purpose is not to make much of ourselves, but to point to Christ, making Him famous with our lives. This is a small testament to that…I mean seriously, He took care of us. Not only that, but He reminded me of how much He cares for my dear husband..He totally provided people for him to hang out with and the means to go do things on the days he wasn’t with someone. This was a huge comfort for me, and made me being away not as hard…

So after a fun-filled, chaotic, sleepless week, I flew into Houston to do several things…I was helping hostess 2 showers that Saturday, one for my newest neice Mickaela, another for my best friend Jaclyn who got married the next weekend. The showers went great, lots of planning by lots of people…here’s some pics from both:

All 3 of us with baby Mickaela

All 3 of us with baby Mickaela

jaclyn with her hostesses...although I didn't do much

jaclyn with her hostesses...although I didn't do much


It’s always so wonderful to see people and catch up on things…(random thought coming…) Is it just me or are there those who you’re constantly trying to catch up with when you see them (varied times a year) and those you keep up with to the smallest details?…just a thought. I got to meet up with several friends and lunch it up that week between shower and wedding.. which is always a great time…food is good..especially in Houston. Its always amazing to be back in Houston for me…there was just so many years I wanted to leave…now of course I come home and soak up every possible moment, crazy how our perspective changes!
Of course the wedding was beautiful. The most exciting day of your life tends to make that possible. Here’s my favorite photo of Jaclyn (that I took…rather than ever): 
blushing bride

blushing bride

best friends

best friends

freddie & me before the wedding

freddie & me before the wedding

Needless to say, I’m so glad to be back in  Miami…not really because I want to be away,  just to be home…which equals with Freddie.

 Check out more photos on Facebook…

Much Love,
April 2009